Wednesday 23 November 2011


Christine Sawicky. J

M: Would you please tell us about your childhood and inspirations to become an artist & media person?
CS: During my childhood I was a dancer and mostly into athletics. I always wanted to learn new things and I always was good at visualization. I actually was never really into art as a kid. I took one drawing class in high school and bypassed even picking up a charcoal pencil for years. I also was not into the media world until after my first job in the music business. The only reason I started my drawing again about a year ago because I thought I could make some money on it while I was pursuing acting. I never knew I would get such an amazing response to my art.

You had taken one art class and your skill was obvious from day one. However, sports became your passion and creative impulses were put on the back burner for numerous years. Then Christine attended St. Cloud State University, where she graduated in four years with a business degree. She went to work for Best Buy World Headquarters for a couple of years spending most of that time in the music department.

M: When did you made your career option? What made you determine to be an artist? And how your shift happened to perceive of your love for art and cinema?
CS: I had decided to move to California about 6 or 7 years ago because I was working in the music department and I realized I loved music but couldn’t sing. So I wanted to pursue something in the creative world. I really wanted to be famous and thought I could do that through acting. I had never done acting before and it wasn’t until I actually started studying acting that I found out how amazing it was. I now view acting from a whole different perspective. It teaches you about yourself, others, and the psychology of human beings. It really is quite fascinating. Also, it allows you to convey a message to a massive audience. I no longer cared about being famous as I grew. I just love the art of acting and creating.
The only reason I started my drawing was because I wanted to make some money on the side during my pursuit of my creative career. I was sick of taking jobs that I felt I was over-qualified for just to have a lower salary with flexibility. I had no idea how much people would enjoy my art. This extreme response to my art launched my idea to create my own company and to start creating everything for myself. I now have a company called Sawicky, LLC that has 4 core competencies. These include my charcoal drawings, my poetry, my acting, and the intellectual property for film concepts.

M : Would you please share your experiences about all these areas of work? And are you involved in any philanthropy? And what made you to do so?
CS: Just like any job my experiences vary. I have some really positive experiences and also some extremely negative experiences. As humans we are given the choice as to what to focus on. I tend to focus on the positive and turn any experience that may be considered negative into a positive experience.
I am   always involved in philanthropy when possible. I truly believe in giving back. I have raised money for United Planet and the children of Ghana, Africa. I one day hope to start homes called Christine’s Cottages- theses will help children from mentally, physically, and sexually abused homes.
My art: I have been turned down by every gallery in Los Angeles and that could be considered very negative…but then I was hired as the sole artist for the Time Is Now Peace Summit so it became kind of funny. I am good enough for the world stage as an artist but not for a gallery. I am sure they will change their minds when I return from Israel J
My Poetry: I was told that my poetry was like 3rd grade poetry and then months later I was getting my poetry published in the Canadian press and Ray Arco from the Hollywood Foreign Press wrote a testimonial for my poetry book titled “A Glance Back At the Road Less traveled.” Kind of ironic how life works.
My acting and film concepts: acting can have several negative experiences being a woman. It is hard to be taken seriously and to establish credibility in a difficult industry. You run into men that pretend they would like to help you with your career but really they are just trying to date you. My first show I co-created, produced, and starred had to come to a halt because the people I created it with tried to claim it as their own and cut me out of my own project. I refused to let these experiences stop me because if you can create one project…you can create another. That is if you truly are the creator. I have since moved on from that and decided to take these experiences and create something positive. The positive result, a psychological thriller that combines a lot of observations of how people operate in Hollywood,. It was clear that I was different because I actually have a conscience. If some of the people I have met are actually able to pull off some of the things they do, I do not believe they have a conscience. I started studying psychology and understanding these different personality types, combined that with my experiences, and came up with a psychological thriller about sociopaths. J

M: Who are the artists you admire most?
 I don’t really know who other artists art, because I have not taken classes for my art. I just like to create things and if people happen to like them I am grateful. The same goes for my poetry. I have not taken any writing classes I just put on paper what I feel in my heart. I never went to film school either. I truly believe that art. No matter what platform you are referencing, it has to be true to your experiences and emotions. That is what people want. They want to emote, they want to connect, and they want to escape. We are all human and we all desire the same things. So if you tap into human psychology and are true to yourself in your heart, people will always appreciate it. They can always appreciate a genuine story.

M: What was the experience and hard work behind your today’s career?
CS : Hard work is an understatement to get to where I am at today. For a year and half straight when everyone was out socializing and having fun, I was working and developing my company. I was creating art piece after art piece for hours on end. To wake up and draw all day until I went to bed was not out of the ordinary. When I would get exhausted from drawing I would just turn to writing poetry. The film concepts were added in on top of that. I had razor sharp focus and if something didn’t contribute to my end goal I never entertained it.
She is now a visual artist, poet, actress, host, reporter, and creates concepts for film from the beginning and loves more than anything seeing them come to life.

M: Your profile shows that, you are a multiple talented and how you manager your time & various creative works together?  
CS : Yes, I am multi-talented and I simply set short and long term goals for myself. I knew I had to enter into the acting industry from a different format. I had to establish credibility somehow. My plan was to gain exposure through my art, then launch my poetry book, and then after that with my established credibility of creating I could move into my film projects. My plan was very calculated and laid out. I just worked day and night and when I was ready to start introducing my company I already knew how it would all play out. My plan worked fabulously and I am here today making it all happen. I accidentally was hired for reporting jobs after returning from my television interview in Minnesota. Most people never saw the plan and they think things happen overnight. They most certainly don’t. It takes perseverance, time, and self-belief.

M: Have you worked for any films or interested in acting, if so what kind of films you wanted to do?
CS: I create film concepts and it doesn’t matter what kind they are. I just love to create. I can jump from a psychological thriller to a love story in a heartbeat. I get inspired by my experiences and the world around me. I will be acting in everything that I create and produce. By creating my own projects I can be whatever character I want to be and I control my own future. I don’t have to wait years for that perfect role. I just create it J

M: What is your view about global cinema, particularly Hollywood films and what type of films you prefer?
CS: I don’t really have a view about global cinema nor Hollywood films. I didn’t grow up watching television or movies. I played sports and spent most of time playing outside with my friends. I do think that the platform in Hollywood is changing for cinema though. The films I like the most are love stories like the notebook or animation films like Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Cinderella etc. I really love watching animation films.

M:  Have you ever gone through any difficult phase of your career or life in general? If so, what were they and how you overcome such difficulties?
CS : Absolutely, I think we all have. Difficult situations are too many to name, but at the core they are all just that ‘A difficult situation’. I overcome them by believing in myself and what I want to be. I know that I have what it takes to do anything. I never have given up on myself because with every difficult situation arises, a very exciting situation is right around the corner. That is just life. You can either cry about life or know that everything happens for a reason. I choose to stay positive and know that if something fails it is only to make room for what is right in my life.

M:  We symbolize Earth as a ‘Mother Earth’, and woman as a ‘Beauty’, how do you discriminate them?
Would you please share your idea about woman as earth and woman as beauty?
CS: The delicate wind whispers a message if you listen closely…it’s wicked…it’s honest… and speaks to your heart.
The sun radiates love…she is unconditional.
Mother nature doesn’t hesitate…she provides rain…as her tears fall from the sky…she tried to warn us with grey clouds.
Lightning is the sharp tongue…the human race needs a wake up call…she sends a tornado to make the intended word drastic…dust flies everywhere like an uncertain platform.
Why does the world miss the most simplistic signs? She then sends a flood…to wash away sin and to bathe our souls.
The volcano rests like a wise man in a library…he has read all the books…he tries to teach you the history…as his patience wears thin he explodes with passion setting your life on fire and melting away your misunderstandings.
Life is a revolving door when you choose not to pay attention…you disagree with the directive of the world.
An earthquake ruptures and offsets the seemingly solid society…a couple of buildings fall and people forget that they hold the intelligence to piece them back together.
The lethal mixture of water, rocks and mud create landslides…triggered by the earthquake that we feared instead of trying to understand.
She brings in the tsunami…displacing the waters of the ocean…hoping to readjust the minds of our generation.
You have to abolish the old way of thinking to open the path for progression.
As the earth ages…we are accountable for the generations to come.
Some of the world’s most severe moments open up the hearts of our brothers and sisters.
Mother nature gives us all a lesson in tough love. In the most intimidating circumstances we all become one.
We all begin to understand that our life problems are minimal and that being happy in life is as easy as appreciating the smell of a rose.
Take a walk today…try to understand Mother Nature.

M:  We request your views on, Can art help for a change?
CS : Absolutely art can help for a change. I felt very privileged when asked to be the official artist of the ‘Time Is Now’ Peace Summit in Israel and Palestine. From the very first day the executive producer, Rodney Anderson, approached me for this prestigious position I have immersed myself in helping to solve the violence and killings in those particular regions. Time Is Now is placing one of my drawings as the back drop for both concert stages in Israel and Bethlehem, Palestine. I am also helping in the organization of the summit because I truly believe it is absolutely amazing.

M: What are your current projects and how is life in Los Angeles?
CS: My current project in LA is broadcast. I am the co-creator, producer, and I will be starring in it too. It is a psychological thriller about sociopaths and I cannot wait for everyone to see it. My life in LA is rather simplistic. I am a home body and I really don’t like going out. I choose to live a normal life and stay out of all the drama. J

M:  Would you mind to tell us about your book project?  
CS : My book is already out on Amazon. It is called “A Glance back at the road less traveled. These are the testimonials behind it "No one better exemplifies poetry in motion than Christine Sawicky. She is one of the most talented up-and-coming writers and artists of our generation. Her new book is a creative masterpiece." ~ Todd
Looney/VP Warner Brothers "Christine Sawicky's collection of poems is the water of life. Her words will help one wonder, or even find their way. "A Glance Back at the Road Less Traveled" is nourishment for the soul and a breath of fresh air." ~ Ray Arco/Hollywood Foreign Press This book was accidental. As I stated before I would only write poetry when I was exhausted from drawing. I never really expected people to like my writing. It was just an outlet for all my feelings and experiences that I was going through at the time. I am very grateful that people appreciate my work.

M:  How do you exemplify the idea ‘the concept of success?
CS: The concept for success is different for every person. My personal way of describing success is being happy in life. If you wake up every day and you are happy, you have more than half of the world beat. I love what I do and I love my life. That is why I consider myself successful. All of my art, poetry, and film concepts are just a bi-product and do not define who I am or how happy I will be.
Life changes every day as fast as I am going up that is how fast I could come down. I know who I am and whether I have a billion dollars in the bank or just two dollars I will always be Christine Sawicky. J

M: What would you like say for aspiring people to perceive of their creative interest in general and try career in Hollywood?
CS: I would encourage anyone to follow their dreams no matter what they are. You live life once and you don’t want to regret your choices that you made. As long as you are doing what you want you won’t regret anything. Live your life for yourself and not for others. Be true to yourself and believe in yourself. You only get one shot so you better go big or go home J

Stories of the Month

New Stories

Préity Üupala
Meet the New Face of Diversity in Hollywood.

Préity Üupala is an Entreprenuer, Activist and Visionary who is based in Los Angeles, California.Originally hailing from the beautiful Bondi Beach, Sydney, Préity is a former NIDA (National Institue of Dramatic Arts) graduate. She is a recipient of ascholarship at a prestigious film academy based in New York. The beauty queen is launching her Hollywood debut and is involved in a number of film projects globally...Continue

Christine Sawicky  
Artist, Creator, Actress at Founder and CEO of Sawicky, LLC

Christine Sawicky  is a woman with many faces! gifted with a great passion for sports, film acting, producing, writing and art.She is the best example of self-belief in one’s own potential. What’s so great about her is the space she creates for the betterment of society. She is self motivated with great skills,creativity and very spontaneous. self creator of her own...Continue

Christine Sawicky

Christine Sawicky

Christine Sawicky an American citizen is a woman with many faces studied at Champlin; Park High School was very full of activity with a passion for sports, film acting, producing, writing and art.
She is the best example of self-belief in one’s own potential. What’s so great about her is the space she creates for the betterment of society. She never copies any one’s idea or concept. She’s spontaneous, self creator of her own.
To her art means peace and protection of society and environment. She is the first woman to get invitation for peace summit programmed.  Actually she has a broader dimension in the field of acting. As she feels by acting skills one can, not only express about one’s inner self, but can also understand, shape and guide the character of the other person in the right path.
She has done her graduation in business degree at St. Cloud State University, while at the same time she has taken up a job at Best Buy World Headquarters for a couple of years. She spent most of her time exploring her credentials in music, further more to rekindle her multifaceted talent from here, she moved on to Los Angeles to test some more waters in her talent.
Her planning proved her worthy in decision making, as she entered Hollywood, as she was able to perceive both sides of the coin and how creative life could be. It was a phase in her career, where she could balance any excess baggage holding her under pressure.
Over the years she could congregate more knowledgeable people in the field of art in that way forced her to concentrate full time. Instead of concentrating on well paid commissioned work she rather became self freelancer and entrepreneur in her own field. In very short time she was crowd puller; many art gallery firms were forming a beeline for her art shows.
Now after her successful stint in the field of art she plunged into self commissioned work, charity works for several social causes, from there she expanded her horizons by creating her own well designed website, into which she could effectively communicate her visa vis about her day to day agenda like reaching better feedback about her works, contracts, declaration of art shows, figuring out the best artists available, valuable inputs from her well wishers, so on and so forth….
She has also had great love for poetry!
I found the line and the poetry piece it came from. Christine Sawicky on women and beauty. The beauty of a woman resides within her soul. Hollywood has the definition all wrong. Hollywood thinks that older woman cannot compete with the porcelain face of a younger woman. I disagree...Some disregard age and see it as a necessary evil…I think wrinkles represent time…in a life …of your moments….to help you with personal clarity.

Here is the entire poetry piece :)

Depth of the human soul can be a difficult conversation that only remains surface….

When I was a little girl I longed for materialism...innocence and naivety… an explosive combination.

Instead of the mansion… I long to see the autumn leaves changing colors….orange, red, and gold.

Replacing a beautiful man….. I look for deep character and the life that lives within his eyes.

The way the sun reflects off the ocean is breathtaking…a connection with souls is far and few in-between…

Some disregard age and see it as a necessary evil…I think wrinkles represent time…in a life …of your moments….to help you with personal clarity.

Sometimes the world breaks at your feet….only so you can see what your future is suppose to hold.

The traffic drives by me and I feel trapped in silence…the world moves so fast on autopilot.

Years go by and some things remain the same? I look at my past friends and realize that absolutely nothing we share is common.

Life is a series of connections and disconnections. Of love and have loved.

I step through the layers and cannot comprehend how I am where I am and you stand where you are.
You took a left and I took a right….you live where you do and I just moved to another dimension of culture.

How is it that one soul’s path seeks something so opposite of mine? Why do I long for Paris? Why do you long for Ireland?

I stare at the clouds and feel the wind blowing the individual strands of my hair….life’s simple pleasures.

Depth is like a compass that points North, South, East, or West. You cannot recognize East when West is all that you know. North shines like a star but South is your homeland.

The unknown is terrifying but similar to excitement. You have the keys to unlock your life…to open your consciousness.

Run when others walk. Eat while others fast. Celebrate Christmas if your known holiday is Hanukah.

Walk in another’s shoes…dig deep…see more…and discover your potential.
Nothing is more disturbing than a soul that knows it has sold itself short. That represents the most ugly acts.
Think about your life…be your life …and wake up to your favorite song.
Peace is an atmosphere when your mind is calm…like piano music humming… creating ambience in the background.
Life is a matrix…a connection of dots…. everything happens for a reason.
Appreciate pain for it foretells extreme happiness…understand failed love…it represents a love you have not known…far greater than one could comprehend.

My soul is curious...why have I been given this hand at a poker table?
The running joke in life…everyone is winning…you just need to believe.

~Christine Sawicky

Yes....I will check out your website and hopefully we can work together one day!


New Stories

Préity Üupala
Meet the New Face of Diversity in Hollywood.

Préity Üupala is an Entreprenuer, Activist and Visionary who is based in Los Angeles, California.Originally hailing from the beautiful Bondi Beach, Sydney, Préity is a former NIDA (National Institue of Dramatic Arts) graduate. She is a recipient of ascholarship at a prestigious film academy based in New York. The beauty queen is launching her Hollywood debut and is involved in a number of film projects globally...Continue

Christine Sawicky  
Artist, Creator, Actress at Founder and CEO of Sawicky, LLC

Christine Sawicky  is a woman with many faces! gifted with a great passion for sports, film acting, producing, writing and art.She is the best example of self-belief in one’s own potential. What’s so great about her is the space she creates for the betterment of society. She is self motivated with great skills,creativity and very spontaneous. self creator of her own...Continue