PreityÜupala is a young visionary, professional actor and writer in Los Angeles, California. Originally hailing from Dubai, but mostly lives between LA and Sydney, Australia. In an age where life is greatly pleasurable, 16, her Exquisite beauty is captured in a photo shoot in Sydney and thereafter she took up modeling in Sydney and consequently moved to Los Angeles. She has also won many National and International beauty pageants. She won Miss India international, Miss India Portugal and miss photogenic which marked her early fame and career in the arts.
Preity graduated from NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Arts) Sydney, which boasts graduates like Mel Gibson and Cate Blanchet. Her intensive and mesmeric performance glued the audiences and became a beneficiary of the prestigious Film Academy scholarship in New York. In a nut shell, she is an Investment banker turned beauty queen turned Hollywood actor. She was one of the finalists of Miss Earth Australia 2009 and created a record for being the first model of Indian or Portuguese heritage to make it to the finals. She also involves in Philanthropic activities.
Her beauty is unique and she is a multitalented lady. She lives the life of creative spirit, right mind set with great attitude. She is much more than just an actress; a Model, Presenter, Entrepreneur, Activist and Philanthropist and a Visionary thinker.
She is a queen of generosity, and at very early age she realized that, she could make a difference in the lives of needy people and she decided to take action in a big way in 2011. Thus Üupala foundation was born.
She was born in Dubai, the Middle East, (Indian - Portuguese heritage) and also lived in Paris, India and then later, mostly lives in beautiful Bondi Beach Sydney, Australia. Infused with mixed cultures and values of Dubai, Paris, India or Portuguese, Australia she travelled extensively around the world with fluency in five different languages.
This former Beauty Queen and professional Model is all set to make her debut in Hollywood. She is embarking on an implausible journey and here’s what she has to say-
“Destiny”- may be envisaged as pre-ordered by the Divine. Put more simply, it is a soldier’s Fatalistic image of a Bullet with your name on it.
My current existence is nothing short of magical! That is one word I associate with myself and my Universe.”
She roused as a corporate business woman. Her multitalented skill was envisaged as an Investment Banker and International consulting Firms recognized her skill in Sydney and New Zealand and the U.K. She is also primed to collaborate with other foundations with similar ideals to raise fund for the Uupala Foundation. She is in the way of progression to spread her services abroad having raised sufficient funds. This is another highlight of PreityUupala’s Philanthropic activities.
Preity makes her own decisions with confidence. This attitude is instilled in her by her parents ever since her childhood. After her graduation though she acquired 6-figured job she is not convinced. She believes that her entry into philanthropic activities is a divine intervention and her parents support strengthened her to follow her passion. Securing two graduate degrees in IT and Marketing shows her love for studies and thirst to realize her dreams to start a foundation.
Not all the people born with silver spoon in the mouth are bold enough to meet their dreams and goals. PreityUupala with her bravado stirred her career in such an inspiring way that it could bring light into someone’s life. She enjoyed her childhood with artistic view in painting, writing, playing piano in a creative way and dance being a true passion. She believes that time is not a constraint for people with zeal. Destiny knocked the door of her Art and fashion. Her childhood passion for acting spread the pathway into the world of Film industry.
PreityUupala comments, “As a child, I had different aspirations. A couple of years ago, I was a different PreityUupala working as an Investment Banker in Sydney, aspiration for MBA or PHD and have my own consulting firm one-day.” She finally realized her dream in 2011 in South Africa.
When asked about her source of inspiration, she smilingly replies, “I was the face of beyond water based in South Africa and my last trip to Thailand and Cambodia, I was really moved by the beautiful children and their helpless state. I thought if I could ever change someone’s life, it would be these gorgeous kids, who cannot help themselves. I was inspired to start my own foundation.”

“Practice of Yoga and meditation are secrets of her health and to keep herself at peace,” she reveals.
She also very often travels a lot to recharge herself. For aspiring people she would say “BE YOURSELF-you shine every time you are. Remember there is only ONE YOU”- she swears by this philosophy.
Recently PreityUupala has been nominated by her peers as one of Soul and Salsa magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful: Beautiful, Educated, Talented and Unique from around the world. 100 Women representing 100 Charities/Missions.
Her confidence to meet the challenges inspire most of the people and she aims to debut in Hollywood with number of projects and globally and so let’s wish she would rock in the entertainment world and her mission is empowered further.
Christine Sawicky
Christine Sawicky an American citizen is a woman with many faces studied at Champlin; Park High School was very full of activity with a passion for sports, film acting, producing, writing and art.
She is the best example of self-belief in one’s own potential. What’s so great about her is the space she creates for the betterment of society. She never copies any one’s idea or concept. She’s spontaneous, self creator of her own.
To her art means peace and protection of society and environment. She is the first woman to get invitation for peace summit programmed. Actually she has a broader dimension in the field of acting. As she feels by acting skills one can, not only express about one’s inner self, but can also understand, shape and guide the character of the other person in the right path.
She has done her graduation in business degree at St. Cloud State University, while at the same time she has taken up a job at Best Buy World Headquarters for a couple of years. She spent most of her time exploring her credentials in music, further more to rekindle her multifaceted talent from here, she moved on to Los Angeles to test some more waters in her talent.
Her planning proved her worthy in decision making, as she entered Hollywood, as she was able to perceive both sides of the coin and how creative life could be. It was a phase in her career, where she could balance any excess baggage holding her under pressure.
Over the years she could congregate more knowledgeable people in the field of art in that way forced her to concentrate full time. Instead of concentrating on well paid commissioned work she rather became self freelancer and entrepreneur in her own field. In very short time she was crowd puller; many art gallery firms were forming a beeline for her art shows.
Now after her successful stint in the field of art she plunged into self commissioned work, charity works for several social causes, from there she expanded her horizons by creating her own well designed website, into which she could effectively communicate her visa vis about her day to day agenda like reaching better feedback about her works, contracts, declaration of art shows, figuring out the best artists available, valuable inputs from her well wishers, so on and so forth….
She has also had great love for poetry!
I found the line and the poetry piece it came from. Christine Sawicky on women and beauty. The beauty of a woman resides within her soul. Hollywood has the definition all wrong. Hollywood thinks that older woman cannot compete with the porcelain face of a younger woman. I disagree...Some disregard age and see it as a necessary evil…I think wrinkles represent time…in a life …of your moments….to help you with personal clarity.
Here is the entire poetry piece

Depth of the human soul can be a difficult conversation that only remains surface….
When I was a little girl I longed for materialism...innocence and naivety… an explosive combination.
Instead of the mansion… I long to see the autumn leaves changing colors….orange, red, and gold.
Replacing a beautiful man….. I look for deep character and the life that lives within his eyes.
The way the sun reflects off the ocean is breathtaking…a connection with souls is far and few in-between…
Some disregard age and see it as a necessary evil…I think wrinkles represent time…in a life …of your moments….to help you with personal clarity.
Sometimes the world breaks at your feet….only so you can see what your future is suppose to hold.
The traffic drives by me and I feel trapped in silence…the world moves so fast on autopilot.
Years go by and some things remain the same? I look at my past friends and realize that absolutely nothing we share is common.
Life is a series of connections and disconnections. Of love and have loved.
I step through the layers and cannot comprehend how I am where I am and you stand where you are.
You took a left and I took a right….you live where you do and I just moved to another dimension of culture.
How is it that one soul’s path seeks something so opposite of mine? Why do I long for Paris? Why do you long for Ireland?
I stare at the clouds and feel the wind blowing the individual strands of my hair….life’s simple pleasures.
Depth is like a compass that points North, South, East, or West. You cannot recognize East when West is all that you know. North shines like a star but South is your homeland.
The unknown is terrifying but similar to excitement. You have the keys to unlock your life…to open your consciousness.
Run when others walk. Eat while others fast. Celebrate Christmas if your known holiday is Hanukah.
Walk in another’s shoes…dig deep…see more…and discover your potential.
How is it that one soul’s path seeks something so opposite of mine? Why do I long for Paris? Why do you long for Ireland?
I stare at the clouds and feel the wind blowing the individual strands of my hair….life’s simple pleasures.
Depth is like a compass that points North, South, East, or West. You cannot recognize East when West is all that you know. North shines like a star but South is your homeland.
The unknown is terrifying but similar to excitement. You have the keys to unlock your life…to open your consciousness.
Run when others walk. Eat while others fast. Celebrate Christmas if your known holiday is Hanukah.
Walk in another’s shoes…dig deep…see more…and discover your potential.
Nothing is more disturbing than a soul that knows it has sold itself short. That represents the most ugly acts.
Think about your life…be your life …and wake up to your favorite song.
Peace is an atmosphere when your mind is calm…like piano music humming… creating ambience in the background.
Life is a matrix…a connection of dots…. everything happens for a reason.
Appreciate pain for it foretells extreme happiness…understand failed love…it represents a love you have not known…far greater than one could comprehend.
My soul is curious...why have I been given this hand at a poker table?
The running joke in life…everyone is winning…you just need to believe.
~Christine Sawicky
Yes....I will check out your website and hopefully we can work together one day!
Think about your life…be your life …and wake up to your favorite song.
Peace is an atmosphere when your mind is calm…like piano music humming… creating ambience in the background.
Life is a matrix…a connection of dots…. everything happens for a reason.
Appreciate pain for it foretells extreme happiness…understand failed love…it represents a love you have not known…far greater than one could comprehend.
My soul is curious...why have I been given this hand at a poker table?
The running joke in life…everyone is winning…you just need to believe.
~Christine Sawicky
Yes....I will check out your website and hopefully we can work together one day!